KILOMETER ZERO-December 2001 - Article - Interview



The Paris-based magazine Kilometer Zero has been given a unique sculpture by artist Rémy Tassou. kilohertz zero was designed and created as both a fundraising opportunity for the magazine and an exploration of circulation for the artist. The kilohertz zero sculpture consists of sixteen individual sculptures which separate and will be sold and dispersed throughout the world by Kilometer Zero to be reunited in five years at a grand exposition revealing the travels of each piece. This exciting project is the epitome of cooperative nirvana. We invite you to take part in dispersion, and improve your karma by supporting one of the most exciting new art and literary movements in Paris.

the artist

Internationally renowned sculptor Rémy Tassou began carving his artistic niche in the early nineties with his experimental sculptures made from technological waste. The technique has been hugely successful, producing a chain reaction of ever-increasing interest. Tassou’s pieces are often sold before their glue has dried, and he has collectors in France, Europe and the US. He exhibits regularly all over France, has been featured in the local and national press, and television. His most recent exhibition is at the Palais des Congrès in Paris, and will remain until the end of January.

the magazine

The Kilometer Zero Project is a collective of artists and writers that came together in the spring of 2000. The group was born out of the community of writers and artists that live and work at George Whitman’s Shakespeare and Company bookstore in Paris, and inspired by this, Kilometer Zero provides support for a new generation of creatives. The principle creation of this community, Kilometer Zero Magazine is a collection of the best new writing, art and politics published in Paris but gathered from around the world.

The magazine is published with the support of those who believe in the project. The magazine is written, edited, designed, published and distributed by volunteers while printing and incidental costs are covered purely by sales and fund-raising projects such as dispersion. The third issue of the magazine, being printed now, features a cover-story profile on Rémy Tassou.

dispersion: the concept

kilohertz zero is a free-standing sculpture composed entirely of computer parts, backed by a finished wood mount. The whole can be divided into sixteen individual pieces, all individually framed, named, signed by the artist and presented to each buyer in a hand-crafted presentation box.

The idea is to sell these individual pieces to people who live in cities all over the world. The further they travel and the more diverse their journeys, the better. In five years’ time, we hope to be able to trace them all and reunite them in Paris at a grand kilohertz zero exposition. The tale of each individual piece—how far it travelled, where it spent most of its time, whether it brought good luck to its proud owner—will be told at this show and featured in the reunion issue of the Kilometer Zero magazine.

We are offering to sell up to fourteen pieces, but the last two will be dispersed in slightly different ways, to add interest to both the campaign and the story. One will be auctioned in collaboration with a web-based auction house, and the other will be offered as a prize for the winner of a competition organised and run by Kilometer Zero and a Paris radio show or newspaper.

viewing & sales

For a sneak preview of kilohertz zero, you can either visit it personally—currently residing in Paris at the Kilometer Zero offices. If you are in Paris we would be happy to arrange a private appointment.

The minimum price for one of these pieces is 5000 F (760 Euros). If you would like to take part in dispersion, with the aim of adding to or starting an art collection, or simply because you are as excited by the possibilities of this project as we are, please do let us know.

Even before officially launching this campaign, we have already had offers from eight prospective buyers. Contact us as soon as possible to ensure your chance of not only owning a beautiful and original piece of art, but also participating in a pioneering project born out the combined energies of two of the most original creative forces in Paris.


06 68 15 48 23 (Quinn)
06 78 56 75 57 (Jeremy)
06 63 93 29 12 (Sherry)

You may also see the next issue of Kilometer Zero magazine, to be released December 2, for more information on the artist, Rémy Tassou.